Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hershey Park

To celebrate the end of summer and before we head back to school we took the chance to go to Hershey Park. I love this place, all that chocolate in one place, heavenly.
We started our day with the Scrambler, bad choice, the line wasn't too long, but the loading and unloading of the ride about sent Chris over the edge. Nate was probably wondering what was so great about this place since the boys were hyping it up so much. Next we took on a speed roller coaster, not one with hills and dips. Tough guy Nate was so pumped up about the roller coaster that he was ready to take on a bigger coaster with dad. Bad decision, the next coaster ruined him for the remaining coaster rides of the day. We did coax him on to the Wild Mouse, but that wasn't such a smart plan either. Can this ride really be safe when Mommy has her head buried in the lap of my 9 year old brother and she is yelling, is it over yet?
Time to try the Ferris Wheel, this was also one of the first places I really noticed Nate speaking full sentences. We practically ran to the giant wheel when Nate said...mommy, I want to go on that next! Another highlight of the day was the simple pleasure of the Carousel, that ride is such a trademark of being a child that it was a lot of fun watching his joy as the horse went up and down.
The worst parts of the day came when we realized that we were no longer up for the Parent of the Year Award, when we discovered Kit was walking around with a fever of 103.2, and then the fact finally hit us that these rides aren't for people who drive minivans, have a job, pay the bills and are responsible 30something adults. Neither one of us have ever been motion sick before, but the 2 times I was sitting on the curb with my head between my knees led me to believe I might have met my motion match.
By the last ride of the day, the boys had talked Nate out of his roller coaster fear and back on to one last ride for the day, he loved it! This was one of those days that you think about when you are planning on adopting an older child, you get to see everything with fresh eyes and a new enjoyment.
School starts next week...we'll keep you posted.

Hugs and Kisses

Now that Nate is getting more and more verbal with his English, we have been able to ask him a few questions. Lately we have been trying to find out more about his foster family.

I have learned that he has never had a birthday cake, his younger foster brother had had 2 cakes, but he has never had any. His foster parents always called him by his full Chinese name. Now, I know this a custom in China, but you call an acquaintance by their full name and someone that you are familiar with by their first and middle name. He also told us that he didn't get hugs or kisses from his foster parents. I would imagine that statement isn't 100% true, but it must not have been the norm to be hugged and kissed. I am sure that they loved him and I know that they took good care of him, but I am really struck by these revelations.

So many of the things that I learn about Nate and his prior world amaze me when I view them with a biblical worldview. God really does fill the hearts of his people with a love that surpasses the love of the world. Adoption is a true picture of how we were adopted into God's family. He calls us His, He is intimate with us on a first name basis, He holds us in His hand, and shows us that love is truly an action. Amazing Love...


Are we speaking the same language here?

A few weeks ago, Nate was having one of his episodes where he chooses to withdraw from everyone. He will get upset about something that is seemingly no big deal and then he just shuts down. We are taking the approach of letting him know that no one is upset and he can join us anytime that he wants. We aren't going to let him wallow in his sorrows for too long, usually 30 mins. So Chris went out to talk to him and tried to explain to Nate that he didn't want to be lonely all the time.

Lonely isn't an English word that Nate knows, so Chris looks it up in our English/Mandarin dictionary. So Chris tells him that is isn't good to be "don do", too much, that would be sad, "you don't want to be don do" is the exact quote.
Nate just looked at him strangely and said "No don do". Obviously Chris has the wrong tones on this word and he is saying something that doesn't make sense.

A week later Nate and I are in the bathroom getting ready for bed, Kit was the first kid in there and had left his underpants hanging out on the floor. Nate points to them and says "Kit's don do"!

Translation: Chris told Nate "You don't want to be underwear!" You're right Dad no one wants to be underwear!


Are we speaking the same language here?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hope it isn't 3 strikes and you're out!

What is black and blue and red all over? Nate's eye after he fell off of his bike and hit the handlebars.

Thought I would post a picture of the damage for your viewing enjoyment!


Crabbing off of the pier!

Hanging out at the campsite

Setting up the ole' pop-up with Aidan Castlebury
We packed up on Wed night and headed down to Cherrystone on the Eastern Shore of VA on Thursday morning. The boys were completely ready to spend a few days in the great outdoors. They had a great time digging for hermit crabs, crabbing, paddle boating, swimming, and playing at the playground. Chris and I enjoyed the time with our friends and the lack of household responsibilities.
Nate wants you to know that the bathrooms were yucky.
I think his favorite thing was dinner on Friday night when he ate 3 ears of corn.
Kit's favorite thing was looking for the hermit crabs.
Our least favorite part was the storm that blew threw on Friday night, we were all set to get our dinner really cooking, when they warned us that it was coming. We sat in the car for a little bit and watched it come across the water and a few tents nearby blew away! Glad that wasn't us.
---Susanne, Nate, Kit

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What's in a Name?

Nicknames...everyone around here has one...

Uncle Tonya, CG, Tonya

Sus, Bean, Susie Q




Everyone that is but Nate. The boys and I explained the concept of nicknames to him, he decided he wanted to make up his own nickname. What is it you ask? Quack

Why Quack? I don't know! But for the moment it is sticking as evidenced by the following story.

This morning the boys were stacking bean bag chairs up, then running the length of 2 rooms and diving into them. Nate especially thought this was a hoot. The line was forming in the kitchen and each participant would chant for the runner as he made his way into the family room. Nate's turn and what do I hear 3 little boys chanting? Quack, Quack, Quack!


Well, we all wore our Beijing Olympics shirts yesterday. Nate has no concept of the Olympics and those of you who know us well, know that we are Olympics crazy around here. I know the Downeys remember our fascination well, and we will always appreciate their '96 games impersonations. :)

Last night we sat down to watch and we had told Nate that he would see China on the TV. He broke my heart though when I realized he had his solemn face on. I was able to get him to say that he was sad for China. I just held him and told him that I could understand that, our prayer is that God speaks Chinese to him when we are speaking English in those times. He did perk up after a little bit once he saw the drummers and heard them speaking Chinese.

At one point I said "you are Chinese" in Mandarin and he responded with a smile and "Yes" in English. That made me smile to hear his English answer to a Chinese question and it shows me how far he has come. Awesome!
