Friday, May 30, 2008

Our Quiver runneth over

Yes, sons are a gift from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb is a reward.
Sons born during one’s youth
are like arrows in a warrior’s hand.
How blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

Psalm 127: 3-5

It's been nearly two and a half years since I mentioned to Susanne "Hey, have you heard that ad about the adoption seminar on the radio?"

How do I even begin to tell you about all the things God has done in our hearts since that day we drove to McLean, VA to hear a presentation from America World Adoption Association?

Maybe I'll have time to tell that story another day. This is what I want to say tonight: that I couldn't be more excited to be on the verge of an awesome plunge of faith in the God who created the universe with a spoken word, the God who clearly tells us how his heart breaks for the orphan, the God who has promised that he will never leave nor forsake us, the God who loves to confound the wisdom of the world.

Susanne and I are humbled that 14 years ago (yesterday), God in his awesome sovereignty cleaved together two clueless kids. He did this, in part, with a plan in mind to stuff our quiver with 4 arrows! We could not be more grateful as we make the final preparations to travel across the world to welcome our fourth son into the Harding family. Please pray for us and this young man that God would continue to knit our hearts together.



Julia Bondar said...

Dear Chris and Susanne,
You are in our everyday prayers as you prepare to travel, may God bless your lives as you follow God's will to adopt a special son to fill your home with joy and happiness, we are honored to call you our friends!!!
Lovingly, Larry and Julia

scottanamy said...

Our prayers are with you and we are proud of what you are doing. Xi Wei doesn't know it yet but he has hit the family jackpot! Scott and Amy

Our Three Rockstars said...

We are so excited for you all. I will be praying for you everyday of your trip. I have put up reminders all over the house to remember to cover your family in prayer in the next few weeks. Relax and Enjoy every minute of your trip! God is FAITHFUL! -Jenni

Brenda and Mark said...

Hey guys,
I can't believe the time has arrived!
Please know we are praying for you. I am especially lifting up your safety. I know Xi Wei's heart is already open and filled with love for you all! What a wonderful family. God IS going to do mighty things with you all.

We love you and can't wait for you to get home!!!!Mark and Bren

Anonymous said...

Yeah! The day is finally here! I'm so glad you took this journey to adoption. I know you have been blessed with what you have experienced so far. And I'm confident that the lifetime you will have with Nathaniel will also give you joy and greater understanding of the Father who adopted you. We will be following your trip closely! Love, the Spragues

JAYNVAL said...

Over the last several weeks, I have prayed greatly for you and your family regarding this trip. It is so wonderful that your family will not only be giving Nate a life filled with love, support and opportunity in this world but also the opportunity to come to know Christ and his promise of everlasting life.

I feel it is so fitting that you'll be meeting your son for the first time very close to father's day. I can't imagine a better fathers day gift.

Melita said...

To The Hardings,
We are so excited for you and this new chapter in your life. It is truly amazing how God weaves His will ever so precisely, until He brings it to fruition! China should be a great experience for all of you and will be the culminating place of the new meaning of- The Hardings. Can't wait for you to introduce Nathaniel to Zach, Josh, and Kit's first group of new friends from Baltimore---Sam, Steve, and Lil.
The Burton's

Carole Redline said...

Dear Suzanne, Chris and boys,

Thank-you for creating this blog so that many can share your journey.

We think the pictures of Nate are so beautiful.

Please know you are in our hearts and prayers.

Aunt Carole & Uncle Paul

valori pague said...

My prayers are with you at this time while you are finally in China. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I know that all have you have waited for this day in much antisapation. I can only imagine what a exciting day when you all meet Nathaniel. I cant wait for all of you to come home and share this moment with everyone.