Sunday, July 6, 2008

America America!

Alright, this little guy must think this country is full of a bunch of people who eat way too much and have way too much leisure time on their hands. A holiday weekend will do that for you. Friday we went to see Kung Fu Panda, didn't really get any reaction out of him about it. I thought he would show some excitement since it is set in China. I's a cartoon version of China, but that is some good animation! Then we had my family over for a 4th of July cookout and lounging in the pool.

Yesterday was a day filled with 2 parties, one on the river and one at a pool. Both had lots and lots of food. What must be going on his little mind? He was head over heels excited at the party on the river, he had what must have been his first boat roads in a paddle boat and a canoe. He really didn't hesitate to jump in to the water and have some fun with all of the other kids. The time in/on the river really brought him to life and you could just see his happiness. We asked him if he liked America while we were out paddling around, and he answered a "yes" in his sweet little voice. I am not sure how much water exposure he has had before, China has lakes, but if he lived on the mountainside it might be a new experience for him.

At the 2nd party he got a kick out of the line dancing. You could tell he was interested in it and would probably have given it a try if we had a little more time to persuade him. Uncle Rich carried him over to the dance area and I tried my hardest to get him to give the Electric Slide a-go, but he just laughed and laughed and laughed about it. Then it was a game, he would race back to the chair and wait for you to pull him out and try again. Good bonding time!

I am enjoying each experience with him to see his reaction, sometimes it is exactly what I expected and other times it isn't, Nate likes to keep you on your toes!


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