Sunday, July 20, 2008

At the Name of Jesus...

The boys went to VBS this week at my Mom's church. This is the 2nd year I have had the fun job of being the worship leader, the kids love it and I love it. We play the music loud, sing, dance, do our actions and have fun. Well, by mid-week we noticed Nate getting in to it.

My favorite moment came yesterday when this sweet little boy, who is not speaking English yet, started to the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. What a powerful testimony to God's power. This child who likes to make little altars out of blocks, bow down to them on his knees saying Xiexie (thanks), speaking a Biblical truth. It was awesome and it made me cry!!!



Crissy said...

I was moved to tears watching Nathaniel sing on Friday. Even if he didn't know what he was doing, he was moving along with the rest of the kids. I was reminded that God is bigger. He is bigger than whatever we're facing, whether its living with a new family in a new country and not speaking English or some of the challenges that I'm facing in my own life. He's big enough. If He can use a little chinese boy singing worship songs he doesn't understand to touch me, then He can touch that same little boy's heart(aren't you glad God speaks both Mandarin and English!). What an awesome God we serve!

Christie said...

Amen! I am tearing up just reading this! God SO rocks!!!!! I love HIM!!!! Nate was born to worship at the feet of Jesus! We all are.

Monica said...

After reading your post, I have been praying for Nathaniel, especiall when I was at church yesterday. It's amazing how early on souls can be led astray. I'll be praying that his heart embraces Jesus even before the language catches up. Yall are doing a great job!! His soul will worship Jesus!! Hugs from Texas, Monica

Anonymous said...

now that makes me cry! he's come a long way, and I can tell in these pictures he is so happy!