Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Down the Ocean Hon!

How do you like that Baltimore expression? I am not a Baltimore Hon- think beehive hairdo and cat-eye glasses (in case you were wondering). I have been called Hon many a time before by total strangers. Anyway- I digress!

We went to the beach this past week for 5 days. Nate loved it, what self-respecting boy doesn't? His favorite beach task was to dig as big a hole as possible, not so much wide as deep. A few times he would bend down and you couldn't find him. I thought he might be afraid of the ocean but he thought it was fun to play in the surf and run up the shore line as the waves would break. He and Kit had a grand time sitting on the boogie boards in the surf and letting the water carry them away.

I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Praise God! Look at those smiles! I love it!! What a wonderful family ya'll are.