Thursday, September 4, 2008

Come On Let's Go School

These are the words we heard this morning as Nate stood in the garage for 20 mins, waiting to leave the house.

You may be asking your self..."I thought you said you were going to homeschool?" You would be correct, but things have changed once again as they so often do around here.

Last Monday I went to confer with the first grade teacher and Principal at the school. We started out talking about how best to include Nate in the classroom every once in a while (field trips, special days, lunch one day a week), to having him come in for an hour every morning and so on. The next thing I knew he was signed up to go to school for the first 3 days all day long. We want to see how he is able to follow along and we will reassess next week. What a wonderful blessing to find a school and people who are willing to work with you and have a desire to see Nate do well.

I was really nervous about leaving him yesterday, but the secretary was so sweet and went in to check on things for me before I officially left the campus.

All of the boys said that they had a really great first day. Nate told us he didn't understand anything the teacher said, but isn't that why he is there? We are hopeful that he will do well in the classroom environment. I am still willing to homeschool him, but I think it would lack a little something for him language wise if it was just the 2 of us, if the other boys were at home with him it would be a different story. I think he is glad to be back into a routine and to be doing something that is somewhat familiar to him.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going.



Jennifer said...

That is great! How did Kit do? Will is loving Kindergarten. Most mornings he is not real excited about getting up, dressed and into the car. However once we are in the car and headed to school he gets excited. Hope all is well!

Jim said...

Luke told me yesterday that Nate was his best friend at school. To be honest, I am unsure how much Luke is picking up in class right now because he just wants to play and not learn. I hope he is able to stay in the class.