Thursday, October 9, 2008


Nate earned the Sparks clubber of the month award last night. He has learned 3 Bible verses. I thought that I would use the special needs labels for him to cut down the verses to a more manageable size for him, but we haven't had to do that.

He has studied John 3:16, 1 John 4:14, Psalm 147:11.

John 3:16 is really put into God's perspective when you hear someone saying it in broken English and you realize how Nate has come from a totally different side of the world and was exposed to very pagan beliefs and activities. WOW!

Kit made us proud when he proclaimed privately to us that he had worked hard on his verses too (he has earned 2 jewels already), but that he knew Nate had really worked hard to learn his Bible verses in English. Yeah! He got the principle of rejoicing for/with others.

Here is a picture of Nate and his proud moment.....


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Congratulations Nate! Hiding God's word in your heart will always give you strength. We hope someday to meet you (but right now all our airfare money is going to be spent on China... waiting for TA!)