Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Cakes

Our family always likes to get together on Sundays for the Ravens football games. This year we have 2 new additions to our football group. Nate and Caleb. Caleb is our nephew and he was born in June, actually he was born on the same day that Nate was adopted.

Yesterday Nate and I were sitting on the sofa with Caleb. I was holding Caleb in my lap and Nate was astounded at how small Caleb's feet were. I was trying to tell him that he used to be that small and his hands and feet were tiny like that when he was a baby. Nate was adamant that he was never that small. It dawned on us that he has probably no concept of himself as a baby. I doubt he had pictures of himself as a baby. He may have never really seen a picture of himself at any age. He loves to look at pictures and is always excited when I get a picture of him to hang up around the house.

It never ceases to fascinate me when you get to talking to him. We are so blessed here in America and we are so blessed by our families. Imagine what that is like to not ever have considered yourself to be a baby, to have no photo history of your life.

Thank you for your prayers for his reading. It is getting soooooo much easier to do his homework. He got half of his words right on his first spelling test. That is a victory to us. Spelling is all about sounding out your words and he was able to get some of it right.

Our next new step for Nate is that the Children's choir is singing on Sunday in church. He likes music and art so I am excited to see what he does up there in front of everyone with the other children. He was singing his song in the shower last night, it was so cute, singing in a singsong voice, you know that one you use when you know the melody but not the words. It was a hoot! He was trying to sing "I Will Worship". Kit and I sang along with him before bed to help him learn the words. We will have to keep you updated after church next Sunday.


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