Friday, November 7, 2008

First Field Trip

Nothing says appropriate Fall Field Trip like a 9:30 AM visit to Pizza Hut! Susanne and I are still scratching our heads on that one, but Nate's first field trip was a great day. In addition to the Pizza Hut stop, the loyal troops of Ms. Masemore's Perry Hall Christian School 1st Grade Class also visited the local playground on steroids and Lohr's Farm.

Nate has since shared with many people the insights he gained on the art of making a pizza pie that day. "First you take the circle..." It is amazing how well he is able to communicate in the tangible world, and yet how hard it is for him to give his emotions any verbalization.
We were very curious to see how Nate was doing socially in his class. Susanne reports that we have ourselves a ladies' man of sorts. The girls in his class are very kind to him.
Susanne and Nate were joined by Jessica and Ella for their pizza brunch. Nate insisted that Ellla sit next to him on the bus, only to be joined by three other lady friends on the 5 seat bench in the back row.
What can I say? Nurture 1, Nature 0.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hi Guys,
Peter told me about the blog. He enjoyed running into Chris this week. It is nice to see what you have been up to and how the Lord has grown your sweet family. Come visit us on ours...