Sunday, January 11, 2009

Front Row Seats

Hi All!
Time for a few updates after the hustle and bustle of December and Christmas preparations. We truly had a blessed Christmas. One of the many side bennies of bringing Nate into our family is the "front row seats" we have to all of his new experiences. The anticipation in our house built throughout December...

One thing we've learned about Nate is that if you're not sure you want the "real" answer, don't ask. We're gluttons for punishment anyway. Nate was asked many times in the weeks leading up to the 25th - "Are you excited about Christmas?" This was often met with a shrug of the shoulders and a lackadaisical "I don't know." Sigh...

As he began to let his guard down a little bit, he confided in Susanne that he had never been given a present before. While we know this to not be technically true, we smiled inwardly, knowing that he was in for something special.
Despite his cautious answers, it was a joy to watch Nate get swept up in the preparations for our Savior's birth. Buying presents for Mom and Dad at the school holiday store, singing Christmas Carols with his AWANA buddies at the local retirement community, and decorating the family tree (despite Dad almost dropping him from 7 feet up as I tried to get him to put the angel at the top).

I will always remember taking Nate and Kit on an errand to Wal Mart a few days before Christmas. They were both wowed by the shiny new bikes hanging from the ceiling. With zero prompting (I promise!), they went on to gush about how much they wanted a new bike to replace the banged up, balding tires, rusty hand me downs they currently zoomed around the neighborhood on. Nate told me, "Daddy, those bikes are cool. I really want one." I played that game that we all get to play - "Oh, Nate. That's the first time you've said that. We'll see what we can do. You're birthday is in February, you know." On the inside, I couldn't wait to get home and tell Susanne!
I can only imagine what was running through his mind as our four arrows all gathered on Mom and Dad's bed on Christmas morning to read Luke 2 together. We had a great day together, first at our house, then at Mimi and Dada's, and the next day at Mama and Pop's. His face lit up many times with genuine thanks, but if you ask Nate what he got for Christmas, he will give you a smile - "a bike."

Thank you, Jesus, for these front row seats!

*We are especially thankful to the ladies at the Bowley's Quarters Curves where Susanne works out. Their very generous gift allowed us to buy Nate's bike!

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