Sunday, August 31, 2008

Are we speaking the same language here?

A few weeks ago, Nate was having one of his episodes where he chooses to withdraw from everyone. He will get upset about something that is seemingly no big deal and then he just shuts down. We are taking the approach of letting him know that no one is upset and he can join us anytime that he wants. We aren't going to let him wallow in his sorrows for too long, usually 30 mins. So Chris went out to talk to him and tried to explain to Nate that he didn't want to be lonely all the time.

Lonely isn't an English word that Nate knows, so Chris looks it up in our English/Mandarin dictionary. So Chris tells him that is isn't good to be "don do", too much, that would be sad, "you don't want to be don do" is the exact quote.
Nate just looked at him strangely and said "No don do". Obviously Chris has the wrong tones on this word and he is saying something that doesn't make sense.

A week later Nate and I are in the bathroom getting ready for bed, Kit was the first kid in there and had left his underpants hanging out on the floor. Nate points to them and says "Kit's don do"!

Translation: Chris told Nate "You don't want to be underwear!" You're right Dad no one wants to be underwear!


1 comment:

Christie said...

Nice Chris!!! I love it! WHat a blessing you both are to your new son.