Saturday, August 9, 2008

What's in a Name?

Nicknames...everyone around here has one...

Uncle Tonya, CG, Tonya

Sus, Bean, Susie Q




Everyone that is but Nate. The boys and I explained the concept of nicknames to him, he decided he wanted to make up his own nickname. What is it you ask? Quack

Why Quack? I don't know! But for the moment it is sticking as evidenced by the following story.

This morning the boys were stacking bean bag chairs up, then running the length of 2 rooms and diving into them. Nate especially thought this was a hoot. The line was forming in the kitchen and each participant would chant for the runner as he made his way into the family room. Nate's turn and what do I hear 3 little boys chanting? Quack, Quack, Quack!

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