Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hugs and Kisses

Now that Nate is getting more and more verbal with his English, we have been able to ask him a few questions. Lately we have been trying to find out more about his foster family.

I have learned that he has never had a birthday cake, his younger foster brother had had 2 cakes, but he has never had any. His foster parents always called him by his full Chinese name. Now, I know this a custom in China, but you call an acquaintance by their full name and someone that you are familiar with by their first and middle name. He also told us that he didn't get hugs or kisses from his foster parents. I would imagine that statement isn't 100% true, but it must not have been the norm to be hugged and kissed. I am sure that they loved him and I know that they took good care of him, but I am really struck by these revelations.

So many of the things that I learn about Nate and his prior world amaze me when I view them with a biblical worldview. God really does fill the hearts of his people with a love that surpasses the love of the world. Adoption is a true picture of how we were adopted into God's family. He calls us His, He is intimate with us on a first name basis, He holds us in His hand, and shows us that love is truly an action. Amazing Love...


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