Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Adventures in Town

I don't think we have talked to much about this but we are an oddity around here! I have never been stared at more in my life. It is a very open and common occurence, it is nothing for someone to walk by you, stop, turn back around and watch you. It can become very overwhelming. It really feels strange now because we have this Chinese boy with us. I think it is curious to them why we are walking around with this little guy. A couple of times Chris and I have been worried that someone would try to take him away from us. We are convinced that the guy in WalMart yesterday thought we were telling him we had found a lost little boy!

The other big thing about leaving the hotel is the traffic. There are no traffic laws. The stop light out side of our hotel is not functioning, the traffic never stops, it is a continuous flow. To cross it we find a big group and try to hustle as quickly as possible. The pedestrian does not have the right of way. Cars are going one way, scooters are going both directions on either side of the street and the bikes are going where ever they want to. Crazy and death-defying all at the same time. The horns never stop either all night long. I have heard 20 beeps just sitting here typing.
I was convinced yesterday that we were going to see someone get hit by our bus, his back was up against it as we drove past. Crazy, crazy, crazy!

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