Sunday, June 15, 2008

House of Mao-se

Can't believe we've been here for two full days!
Wanted to give an update yesterday, but the standard computer connection issues were a big pain in the tookus.
Yesterday we toured Tiannamen Square and the Forbidden City in the morning. With all the talk of Mao Tse Tung and how he wanted the gated Tianneman entrance to the Forbidden City to represent a new China...Joshua eventually gave in and asked the question that had been bugging him all day - "Why is there a mouse in that building?" We tried to explain they were talking about good ole Chairman Mao, not a mouse...

The highlight of today was the Great Wall of China. I've always kind of scratched my head when I heard people referring to "climbing" the Great Wall...what's to climb? It ain't that high.

I was crazy wrong. You're not so much climbing the wall, you're climbing with the wall as it flows up a mountain. It was an absolutely beautiful setting largely unspoiled by kitschy (sp?) tourist junk. The boys practically raced up to the top - even Kit, who made us very proud. Susanne and I got up there, too. It made for a very memorable Father's Day.

It has been such a whirlwind start to our time here that I find myself emotionally scrambling to keep up with the fact that tomorrow is such a huge day in the history of our family!

Milestones in life have always made me emotional. Tonight is no different.

Please pray for us as Weifeng becomes a Harding tomorrow. We have long prayed that God would prepare both our hearts and his. What's left now is the faith that He has it all planned according to His will.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something about seeing you standing there on the Wall with your AWAA nametags is just making me so happy right now. From our first conversations to the night before! What a journey and what a future! Enjoy tomorrow! It will be a day that never slips your mind. A day of such emotion and such meaning! Love, Steve & Andrea

Happy Father's Day Chris!