Saturday, June 21, 2008

Paperwork and More!

After a short nights sleep we were up and atta ‘em early. We had to be in the lobby at 9am. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the families at breakfast. What a beautiful thing God is doing here. All 12 families have adopted special needs children; it is an incredible thing to see that children who had been discarded are valued for who they are, no matter what! We loved seeing all of the children, it was also a relief to find out what every one else has been struggling with, we felt like it was perfect for everyone else and just difficult for us.

Off to the baby visa pictures and medical examinations for all of us. Our guide, Amy, took us to a grocery store so that we could make some food purchases. I am really excited to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich tomorrow for my lunch. Yummy!
Back to hotel to get ready for our paperwork party, over 2 hours of filling out papers, so much fun. While I was slaving away Chris, the boys, Ron and Linda went to enjoy the pool. I was jealous. Can’t wait to go swimming tomorrow.

Stay tuned for tomorrow.


1 comment:

Christie said...

I am totally praying the Lord's protection over you all! I can't wait for the day to hear that this sweet boy has surrendered his life to Christ! That day IS comming, in JESUS NAME!!!! For the time being, I will continue to pray for strength, never losing sight of what God is doing in your lives, steadfastness, patience, the list goes on.... I am so proud of both of you. What a good work the Lord has, and is, and will do in you all!