Thursday, June 19, 2008

Green Lake Park

We had our morning free on Tuesday. Our merry band of travellers decided to venture out a few blocks and find Green Lake Park. After risking life and limb to cross the street in 3 different places we found one of the entrances to the park. What a beautiful treasure! We strolled along the walkway and found colorful boats, ducks twice the size of US ducks and dancers. There were 4 different types of dancing going on in a small section of the park. We saw traditional couples dancing, women with fans and parasols, women with clinky finger cymbals and our personal favorite the women who were dancing the Chinese version of the Macarana. We laughed so hard at the thought of that.

At one point the boys found a huge gaggle of geese, they all climbed out of the lake together, I bet it was 40 geese, then followed a worker down the path as he hurried them along. Where these geese were going in such a hurry, I've got no idea.

The highlight for the boys was "Happy Town", with its fake Mickey and Minnie images plastered all around. It was like Chinese Chuck E. Cheese, except a worker had to plug in the machine each time some wanted to use it. The game of "skill" the boys wanted to try was called Pet Goldfish you had to scoop the fish out of the water. Folks, I am talking real life goldfish with buggy eyes. No way are you playing this one kids. Josh asked if the reason they couldn't do it was because of the eyeballs. Well, yes Josh, but how about the fact that you can't take a fish on the airplane? The best part of these rides was the tinny sounding, loudly blaring, synthesized Christmas carols that played as you rode your little heart out. Isn't this awesome kids? Forget Disney World, we've got Happy Town!

Actually, it was fun to see the surprise and excitement on Weifeng's face as he tried out these things for the first time ever.

After lunch, our guide, Susan took us to see the places that our children were abandoned. This was a touching moment for both families. Weifeng was abandoned near a highway underpass. The area had a ghetto feel to it. The picture below doesn't do it justice. Susan hurried Chris for safety's sake as they left the bus to get the pictures. I can't imagine the desperation that this woman felt as she left a precious baby in the rubble and stench of this place. It was not a pretty location: rundown, trash on the ground, and the smell was horrid. If it was downtown Baltimore you would have been terrified for you life. Natalie was left at a hospital, her mom Julie told us that the courtyard there was filled with children and their parents standing around as the parents decided if they were going to pay for the hospital care. It is done as a prepay program. America is an awesome place.
We were also able to visit a cultural museum that displayed the handiwork of many of the local minorities. Yunnan province has the largest percentage of minorities. Very beautiful pieces were kept there. It was a little stressful as you can well imagine with 4 boys in an important place. The guides were not bothered by it, in China they don't restrict too many freedoms of the children. You would never dream of touching anything in a museum, but they said it was okay. I couldn't really let in on that one, I still made the boys abide by not touching. I have found such cultural differences to be very eye-opening as a parent. We have some training cut out for us. Please pray for us as we teach him to rein in some of his freedoms.
Our next stop was an hour or so out of the city, at the Minorities Village. Absolutely beautiful, lush, green, verdant, it made you feel like you were at Epcot with all of the landscaping. It had several arches of parasols lining the main walkway. Gorgeous!!!! We got to see the houses of several different ethnic groups and the guides for the park were all dressed in traditional garb. We really enjoyed our visit, until it started to rain, and then we had to hustle back to the bus for the long ride back. Our guide, Susan, started to panic that the Fiorelli's baby would get sick if we were caught in the rain.
Another day down here in China, I am missing you friends and family as well as my iced tea and the sheets on my bed!

Until tomorrow- Susanne


Christie said...

WOW! We are so blessed here in the states. My heart just breaks for these children. I wish I could rescue them all! I can't wait to see you guys! Hope it works out this summer for us getting together.


Trisha722 said...

Despite the cultural differences, enjoy every moment to the fullest (not that you wouldn't ;)). What an awesome and inspiring journey for your family. We miss seeing you guys but are enjoying the blog. Blessing and prayers to you.

Robin said...

What a adventure!!! Your mom just told me about this blog yesterday. God is certainly good!!! We'll continue to read about your stay in China and pray for your safe journey home. Robin and BobBigBirdie