Friday, June 13, 2008

Off We Go... Day 1

There is never a dull moment around our house. Every thing was going according to our plan, we were on time for once, luggage was packed, all Hardings in the car. Then all those plans went out the window as we were driving down 495 on our way to Dulles. Zach was carsick! Is it bad parenting to drive down the highway with your child hanging out of the back door of the minivan? It's not like I wasn't standing there holding on to him for dear life. This was on top of a brush with diarrhea and a bee sting yesterday evening before we left. Ain't life grand?

So, we get to the airport and have to wait for our seating assignments. The most amazing thing happened...we were all upgraded to Business Class. Yeah God! We credited all of our praying friends for such an amazing blessing. We were enjoying our new digs in Row 6 when the captain announced that the plane had a minor maintenance issue that would be fixed in about 30 minutes. Okay, no biggie, well, before you know it they are telling us to exit the airplane as quickly as possible and to leave your things behind. These are not the words a nervous flyer wants to hear, but God is good and we had an awesome flight. Chris seemed to think they may have had a small electrical fire when they were fixing the original problem. Yikes! The final complication of the day came when one of us misjudged the capacity of his bladder - just as they were calling us to reboard! I got some laughs in the restroom as I stood at the hand dryers, one pants leg cupped around each nozzle in an effort to dry the culprit's jeans.

An interesting fact, we flew north from DC, crossed Greenland, neared the North Pole and came down through Russia. As you can see from the picture, we were all enjoying seeing how the other half lives. (Chris writes...When it comes to flying Business class, I must quote Ferris Bueller: "I highly recommend it, if you have the means." :) )

The Beijing airport is beautiful and humongous! It is brand new for the Olympics and is very pretty with its shiny floors and glass walls. Chris got a laugh at the ads with NBA star Yao Ming with the caption at the bottom "Your Friend, Yao Ming."

We were able to find our group quickly, boarded a bus and headed for the hotel. We met four of the 11 or so families who are joining us from our adoption agency. What an exciting day! It is good to be here. Two days till we meet Weifeng! Please keep the prayers coming. We will talk to you all tomorrow.


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