Sunday, June 22, 2008

Prayer Request

Okay friends, here is a new one for you.

I think Nathaniel has been in a foster family that worshipped buddha. We have found him doing some kind of prayer chant a few times. Chris prayed with him last night that Jesus would just chase away the false spirits. While Chris was praying this, Nathaniel started letting out angry screams during the pray, so please pray that God would wrestle this little guy's heart away from the false idols of this world and mold it for Him.

Susanne and Chris


Brenda and Mark said...

Hey you guys,

I know you are tired and ready, ready to be home.
I will definetly pray for Nathaniel heart, that God would work in a way only He can and Nathaniel will quickly accept the truth of Jesus. Keep up the hard work. Pick one area and focus on that. don't let yourself get overwhelmed.
any news on your travel dates home?

Keep typing we are having the best time reading everyday!!!
In Christ, Brenda

Christie said...

I am praying. You are are dealing with spirits! That angry scream is the demonic spirits that have bound this sweet boy. They will always give a fight. There is POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!! You have the authority to cast these out of him using ONLY THE NAME OF JESUS! I will pray for complete deliverence. Once this happens you will see a major change in Nathaniel. ASk the Lord for direction. Ask God what spirits you are dealing with. Once you have told those spirits to get out in JESUS NAME... you must ask the Lord to replace them with Godly spirit. READ: Luke 11:21-26
I love you guys! I am praying with you in agreement!